Here's one from the vault and the music selection on this one just makes me chuckle every time.
Hadag Nahash's "Ma Sheba Ba" is the perfect music track for the intro to Adam Sandler's "Don't Mess With The Zohan." It's in Hebrew, and although we can't understand a word (other than "Disco Disco"), the music speaks for itself and is an infectious and lovable part of this grand entrance from Sandler's character. The driving beat and fast lyrics against the slow motion pelvis pumps of Zohan will have you shaking your head as it sucks you into Sandler's off kilter world and glimpse of the life of an international super-solider turned hair dresser.
Brooks Arthur and Michael Dilbeck were the music supervisors on this film which includes loads of good tracks from the 80's and beyond. It must have been a blast to work on this film.