OMG: Word Up or Simply Word WTF? 
Tuesday, October 11, 2011 at 11:39PM
The Diner Music in music license, re-arrangement, underscore

Just scratching my head. . . and the British accent VO at the end doesn't wash over the fact that this one is just an oddball.

I am sure somewhere this spot is going to win an award - maybe in the category of "Most Money Wasted on a Music License" . . . but pretty sure no one I know will be running out to buy V05 hair pomade any time soon after watching "The Pliktisijiteur Pageant."

The music license and re-arrangement of Cameo's "Word Up" is unimaginative.  The spot is itself shot and lit well - kudos to the cinematographer.  The costumes and set design brilliant . . . and it sure looks big . . .

. . . but such a rich visual spot and high concept is quickly deflated by the underpowered music bed.  Especially without a voice over or any dialogue here, the music and sound design's role is so critical to succesfully telling the story and it simply falls short as a piece of brand communication (not even sure what it says about the brand that is flattering).  The spot might have worked with an underscore that made sense, and with such a unique visual context there were so many creative directions that could have delivered, but instead we are left pulling out our hair instead of slicking it back with V05.  


(p.s. a second alternate version of the music is equally tough to digest . . . )

Article originally appeared on Music For Film, Television and Advertising (
See website for complete article licensing information.